

  该法案很明显的针对对象就是中国,并且在其国会的咨询摘要中明显显露,这个概要分为两个部分,全称为“CHIPS and Science Act of 2022”,但是其项下有两部分,第一部分是关于芯片的,也就是“CHIPS”,称之为“Division A Summary-CHIPS and ORAN Investment”第二部分是关于科技的,也就是标题中的“Science”,具体则称为“Division B Summary–Research and Innovation”,实则是两个不同的法律,这个在之前笔者翻译芯片法案所附的全文中也可以看出端倪。今天就以国会咨询概要中的部分内容进行翻译,并穿插部分个人的分析,以此来分析美国国会的主要目的。对于文中的关于资金分配概要请参照笔者过去的翻译芯片法案原文,因为那个更加详细,故笔者不进一步进行翻译。本文仅仅让读者从美国国会立法者角度去了解美国国内政治团体对中国技术进步的提防和遏制心态。
  Division A Summary - CHIPS and ORAN Investment
  Background: In January 2021, as part of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Congress passed into law funding programs from the bipartisan CHIPS for America Act, authorizing Department of Commerce (DOC), Department of Defense (DoD), and Department of State (DOS) activities to develop onshore domestic manufacturing of semiconductors critical to U.S. competitiveness and national security. Only 12% of chips are currently manufactured domestically, compared to 37% in the 1990s, and many foreign competitors, including China, are investing heavily to dominate the industry. The United States also lacks capabilities to produce the most advanced chips at volume. The CHIPS Act of 2022 would provide appropriations needed to implement the currently authorized programs from the bipartisan CHIPS for America Act. To ensure the Congressional goal of promoting domestic competitiveness, the Act would also install safeguards to ensure that recipients of Federal funds from these programs cannot build advanced semiconductor production facilities in countries that present a national security concern.
  背景:在2021年1月,作为《威廉·麦克莱伦·“麦克”·索恩贝里2021财年国防授权法案》的一部分,国会以立法形式资助基于美国芯片法案(注:这是2020年的芯片法案,并非现今的2022年芯片法案,在美国的全称为“CHIPS for America Act”,这部法律主要是架构审核委员会机制,不过针对的也是中国,该文件众议院的档案号为H. R. 7178,有兴趣可以去参考下。)的项目,用以授权商务部、国防部、国务院发展对美国关键的半导体在岸、国内生产活动。对比37%半导体在美国本土制造,现在只有12%的芯片在美国国内制造,而许多外国竞争者,包括中国,正在强势地控制这个产业。美国缺乏大量生产尖端芯片地能力。2022年芯片法案就是为了支持美国芯片法案中所架构的活动所需求的必要帮助。为了确保国会实现促进国内竞争力的目标,该法案还将设置保障措施,以确保从这些项目获得联邦资金的实体不能在会引起美国国家安全关注的国家建设先进的半导体生产设施。
  The CHIPS & Innovation Act of 2022 would also provide appropriations needed to implement the USA Telecom Act that was enacted in the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. This program would help shore up the global telecommunications supply chain and limit the scope of involvement globally of telecommunication companies with close ties to the Communist Party of China, like Huawei. Funds would be used to capitalize on U.S. software advantages, accelerating development of an open-architecture model (known as OpenRAN) that would allow for alternative vendors to enter the market for specific network components, rather than having to compete with Huawei end-to-end.
  $54.2 Billion in Total Appropriations for CHIPS and Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation (also known as ORAN):
  Preventing CHIPS Funding Recipients from Expanding Certain Chip Manufacturing in China and Other Countries of Concern:
  · Technology leadership and supply chain security. To ensure that the manufacturing incentives advance U.S. technology leadership and supply chain security, the Act would require recipients of Federal financial assistance to join an agreement prohibiting certain material expansions of semiconductor manufacturing in the People’s Republic of China or in other countries of concern. These restrictions would apply to any new facility, unless the facility produces “legacy semiconductors” predominantly for that country’s market, but not to existing facilities for manufacturing legacy semiconductors. The restrictions would apply for ten years after the receipt of financial assistance, ensuring that semiconductor manufacturers focus their next cycle of investment in the United States and in partner nations. The Secretary of Commerce would be required, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and Director of National Intelligence, to consider updates to the technology threshold for prohibitions on manufacturing in countries of concern, considering consistency with export controls as well as technology advancements. The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence, would define restricted process capability thresholds for memory and packaging, as well as which semiconductors are critical to national security.
  · Notification requirements. Companies that receive federal financial assistance through the CHIPS program would also be required to notify the DOC of planned transactions in countries of concern subject to their agreement with the Secretary. If DOC determines that the planned transaction would violate the agreement, the company would have an opportunity to remedy the potential violation; otherwise, DOC could recover the full amount of Federal financial assistance provided. The provision gives the DOC the authority to request any records necessary to review compliance with the agreement, while ensuring such records remain confidential.
  Background on the Advanced Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit:
  The United States, which developed and pioneered semiconductor (“chips”) technology, finds itself too reliant on foreign producers of semiconductors. While American companies still dominate the global semiconductor industry, accounting for nearly half of all revenues, the share of global production in the U.S. has dropped from 37 percent in 1990 to just 12 percent today. This is a national and economic security threat.
  开发和引领半导体(“芯片”)技术的美国发现自己过于依赖外国半导体生产商。虽然美国公司仍然主导着全球半导体行业,占总收入的近一半,但美国在全球生产中的份额已从 1990 年的 37% 下降到今天的 12%。这是对国家和经济安全的威胁。
  Semiconductor production is increasingly concentrated overseas, with 75 percent of global production now occurring in East Asia. Foreign government subsidies drive as much as 70 percent of the cost difference for producing semiconductors overseas. Combined with other factors, the result is a 25 to 40 percent cost advantage for overseas semiconductor production, as compared to the United States.
  半导体生产越来越集中在海外,目前全球 75% 的生产发生在东亚。在海外生产半导体的成本差异中,外国政府补贴高达 70%。结合其他因素,与美国相比,海外半导体生产的成本优势为 25% 至 40%。
  These dynamics must change if the United States is to remain at the forefront of technological development in this vital industry and retain these high-skill, high-wage jobs. The CHIPS grants, while substantial, will generally not fully make up for the foreign cost differential without additional support, either through a tax credit, or state or local support.
  The advanced manufacturing investment tax credit (ITC), is based on a bipartisan bill (H.R. 7104/S. 2107, the Facilitating American Built Semiconductors Act; also known as the FABS Act) that would counteract these trends by providing reasonable, targeted incentives for American semiconductor manufacturing here at home.
  The ITC provides a 25 percent investment tax credit for investments in semiconductor manufacturing.
  The credit covers both manufacturing equipment as well as the construction of semiconductor
  manufacturing facilities. It also includes incentives for the manufacturing of the specialized tooling equipment required in the semiconductor manufacturing process.
  The ITC erases the difference with foreign subsidy regimes, and, when paired with the CHIPS grant funding, would completely erase the 40 percent cost difference for leading-edge semiconductor production. The ITC provides a baseline incentive for reshoring chip making, allowing the grant funding to be focused on those leading edge semiconductor technologies that are particularly critical to our economic and national security.
  The ITC also includes safeguards similar to CHIPS funding to ensure that recipients of the ITC cannot build advanced semiconductor production facilities in countries that present a national security concern, including the People’s Republic of China.

